On 7/9/04 4:21 pm, "Louis Janus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On http://dreamcard.runrev.com/section/faq.php#19, an educational
> version (for users with .edu domains) is described:
> If you have a .edu (or local equivalent) email address you are
> eligible for our 30% educational discount on all license types.  To
> obtain the discount you need to contact us to request it.
> \ I want to get it, but apparently one has to get some special code
> or permission. I've written twice (over a week) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> but no response. My 10 hour trial runs out soon, and I think I want
> to continue, and the ed discount is a good value, I'd say.
> Any ideas how to rouse the folks at Runrev?

I'm not sure why you haven't received a reply - we sent one to both of your
messages.  Can you check your spam filter or ISP spam filter has not
filtered out our reply?  That's the most common reason for a message not
getting through.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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