Trevor DeVore wrote:
On Sep 22, 2004, at 5:37 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

Anyone know of a library for writing idv3 tags to mp3 files?

Umm, I meant id3, not idv3.

I wrote this a long time ago. It might work:

function MP3Info pFile, pSize
  open file pFile for read
  Err the result
  read from file pFile at (pSize - 127) for 128
  put it into tInfo
  close file pFile
  if char 1 to 3 of tInfo = "TAG" then
    put char 4 to 33 of tInfo into tTitle
    put char 34 to 63 of tInfo into tArtist
    put char 64 to 93 of tInfo into tAlbum
    put tTitle &tab& tArtist &tab& tAlbum into tInfo
    return tInfo
  else return tab&tab
end MP3Info

This helps:

function FileSize pFile
  set the itemDel to "/"
  put the directory into tSaveDir
  put pFile into tDir
  put last item of pFile into tFile
  delete last item of tDir
  set the directory to tDir
  put the detailed files into tFiles
  set the directory to tSaveDir
  put lineOffset(cr&urlEncode(tFile)&",", cr&tFiles) into tLine
  if tLine > 0 then
    set the itemdel to comma
    return item 2 of line tLine of tFiles
  end if
end FileSize

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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