On 9/27/04 7:38 PM, James Spencer wrote:

On Sep 27, 2004, at 5:18 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 9/27/04 4:39 PM, Howard Bornstein wrote:

Boy, V2.5 is now starting to act very squirly. I get into a situation
where combo and popup buttons will no longer pop open. Not only the
buttons on my stack, but also the buttons on the property inspector.
So the little Arrow button at the top-right of the inspector no longer
works, the popup, which show Basic Properties as its first choice
doesn't work, etc.
Most other things seem to work. This happens after my script sets the
labels of some combo-buttons in my stack. That's about the only thing
related that I'm doing that I can think of. Closing a stack and
re-opening it doesn't fix this. I have to quit and restart Rev.
Anybody seen this?

Yeah. In the property inspector, same as you describe, where the popup that lets you change from "basic properties" to the other sets doesn't pop down. I wasn't changing any labels on anything, so I have no clue what caused it. I haven't bugzilla'ed it yet because I can't figure out a recipe.

I saw this for a while but like you was never able to come up with a recipe so never Bugzilla'ed it. I will say, however, that the problem arose at the same time that I created a really wierd infinite recursion through a preOpenStack handler in a main stack which did a time delayed call to another handler which opened a different stack which did not have a preOpenStack handler so the main stack's preOpenStack handler got called, etc. etc. etc. When I got rid of the recursion, my property inspector worked again too although I can't begin to explain why the recursion would cause the behavior I saw in the inspector.

It just happened to me again moments ago, and I wasn't doing any scripting. I was just trying to get properties on several selected objects at once so that I could align them. I don't think it has anything to do with scripts.

Like you, the button contents returned after a while. When it went south, I closed the inspector, double-clicked a single field to open the inspector, and it was still broken. Closed it, selected 2 objects, doubled-clicked on one of them, and when the inspector came back again the button worked. I don't think there is anything magical about 2 objects, either -- I think there is a message that is being missed in the IDE.

The inspector loads its button contents dynamically when an object is selected, and it looks like sometimes it isn't getting a selectedObjectChanged message.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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