Hi, I would appreciate any help anyone may offer. Let's say a text file occasionally includes the words dogs, cats, and fleas. I need to "read until" any of these words without skipping any. I tried the following instruction, but of course that doesn't work:

open file FileName
        read file FileName until "dogs" or "cats" or "fleas"
        -- (do something with it in found order)
    if it is empty then exit repeat
close file FileName

Unfortunately though, so far as I can tell, this script as-is (obviously so wrong) reads in the whole file and doesn't stop on any of the words.

I played with the "seek to" command but that requires a number afterward... otherwise I would "seek to" all three of the keywords in question and then "read to" whichever came soonest and then repeat.

Can anybody point the way? Thanks again,

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