I'm surprised that nobody else has come up with this solution to the problem of showing/hiding groups yet...

# in the script of the tabbed button
on menuPick ChosenOne
  repeat for each line LL of me
    set the visible of group LL to (LL = ChosenOne)
  end repeat
end menuPick

Simple. Easy. Quick. Automatically accomodates any number of tabs. What else could a body ask for?

Just one more line:

on menuPick ChosenOne
  lock screen <- to postpone redraw until the changes are completed
  repeat for each line LL of me
    set the visible of group LL to (LL = ChosenOne)
  end repeat
end menuPick

That's how I do it in WebMerge. There are about 200 controls spread across four groups, and I found it easier to address them all on one card rather than having to specify the card for each control in the scripts that deal with them.

Tip: If you make at least one field and one button in each group, dragging a control with the pointer tool while holding down the Alt key (Win) or Option key (Mac) will clone the control within the group. This way you can add new controls easily without having to turn on the editBackground mode.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com
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