On Jan 6, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Gordon Webster wrote:


I checked out your Yahoo groups page - the project
sounds potentially interesting but it's hard to know
how interesting in the absence of more info.

Hi Gordon,

I am very new at working in an open-source project. Ask me what you want to know and I'll tell you what I can. I am probably missing all the key marketing phrases to excite the senses. It really is pretty simple though. I am no longer selling my commercial presentation software called Multimedia Generator. I have decided to open up the code to those that are interested in improving it. Some of you might just want to download it and use it for your own use. Others might have a bent on making it one of the best alternatives to Keynote or Powerpoint.

My intended user base was educators. They did not want a huge product that could do everything under the sun. Most just wanted to import pictures of their students for end of the year presentations. Others used it as a HyperStudio replacement when they switched to OS X.

It has become difficult to compete with the big guys and their offerings. Price and simplicity are its key features.

It is lacking in certain areas. It could really use a visual representation of each slide as an example.

Beginners may like taking it apart and seeing how things work. As I look at it years later, I shake my head and ask "What was I thinking?" As we grow in skill, we find that there is always more than one way to do a task. It seems that my early years chose some pretty strange yet effective methods. The good part is that it is commented pretty well.

I am working on putting in the license on the about screen. I just gutted the registration code so that anyone can use it. I'll post the stack on the yahoo group in about 20 minutes.

-- Best regards, Mark Talluto http://www.canelasoftware.com

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