Building the Windows version (I also bought a copy of PC Pro UK way back when
which also had 1.1.1 for Windows ;) went fine. Build options for the Mac
version are kind of limited though, and while the built app works okay in Mac OS X
10.2 ``Jaguar'' in 10.3 ``Panther'' it opens up in Classic mode --- is there
a fix or work-around for this? (Which doesn't involve shelling out hundreds of
dollars for an updated version---hard to justify that when I should arguably
be learning Objective-C and using Apple's free developer tools instead---by
the way, what happened to the ``Free Edition''? Is there a copy of it archived
somewhere for download?)

Trying to remember back to 1.1.1 :-)
Check the Get Info window for the built app. It may have the "Open in the Classic environment" checkbox ticked.
Rev 1.1. did not build true OS X bundles, but made Carbon apps that can run in both environments, so this setting needs to be checked.


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