Hi Dwayne,

put GenerateRandom(6,10) -- the right parameters in your case

function GenerateRandom pHowMuchNumbers,pRange
local tRangeList
repeat until the number of lines of tRangeList = pHowMuchNumbers
set the randomSeed to random(100000)
put random(pRange) into pNum
if pNum is not among the lines of tRangeList then put pNum & cr after tRangeList
end repeat
delete char -1 of tRangeList
return tRangeList
end GenerateRandom

Hope this helps.

Le 27 janv. 05, à 11:34, "D.Rothe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

Hi All,
I am using the following code to generate a field of 6 random numbers.

repeat 5 times --generate list of 5 random numbers between 1-10
put random(10) & "," after tRnum
end repeat
delete last char of tRnum --delete last comma
put tRnum into fld "numbers"

this works fine but some numbers are repeated in the field, e.g (1,2,3,1,5)
How can I include only unique numbers?



Éric Chatonet
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