This is one of the most encouraging moves I've seen RunRev make in the years I've been working with the product and the company.

First, in recognizing the need for and value of an evangelist.

Second, in hiring the perfect guy for the job.

My book, "Software at the Speed of Thought," would not exist without Ro. Period. When I first had the idea, he contacted me and encouraged, cajoled, begged, pleaded, and attempted to bribe me. (Ro, you still owe me a box of homemade, chocolate-covered Macadamia nuts, you piker!)

Like many others on this list, I knew Ro back in the HyperCard days when he was THE MAN in publishing and marketing third-party products for the Mac. He and Ray Heizer and David Gewirtz showed tremendous devotion to and support for the HyperCommunity in countless ways, many of them designed not to profit their own companies directly but rather to raising the level of the water for all the boats in the HyperHarbor. (Sorry. Getting a little hyper here.)

I count Ro as a good friend on many levels and I could not be happier to have him take on this new mantle. It makes me feel even better about the best damn development platform on the planet, period.

Welcome, Ro.

Now get to work, dammit!


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