On 2/23/05 8:42 AM, Mikey wrote:

Whenever I learn a new language I read the Language Guide cover to
cover.  Well, that's a lie -- what I really do is skim it. But even just
skimming will give you the lay of the land, and you'd be surprised how
much you'll retain from that.

Wait - there's a Language Guide? Where the heck is that? I was asking about that (or thought I was, under the dark influence of DayQuil) several days ago, and got (nearly) laughed at by someone on this list. So there ARE manuals? I don't care if they are in PDF, but really - there ARE manuals?

The "manual" is the Help system. The stuff you are most likely to want are the FAQ and Topics sections, until you get to the point where you need dictionary syntax definitions.

The printed manuals, which are available for purchase separately, are just printouts of the same material for those who prefer hard copy they can read in the bathroom. ;) The printed version is not entirely up to date at this point, so the online Help system is actually more accurate.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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