Dag Kresten,

I have met with a problem, to which I find no explication in the rev documentation. Usually an unlocked text field, when selected, will have a blinking
insertion-point cursor. This functions in my mainstack. But a textfield in the substack does have active insertion-point (where keyboard text gets inserted), but it doesnt show the blinking marker, although the properties set for the field are identical to those in the main stack, where the function is intact. I dont even find a keyword in the documentation to identify the little "blinking marker" (often referred to as a "cursor".) How can I revive it ? And are there- by the way - procedures to change it (Eg coloring it, or bolding it?)

Quick guess:

Does some other object overlap (even 1 pixel will do) your field?
If yes, that might be the answer...

Another solution(?) for me was, after i had the same problem and NO other objects
were overlapping my field, to simply replace the field with a fresh and new one!

Although that did NOT make sense, it worked for me... :-)


Refer please to Oikos Homestation <http://www.psy.ku.dk/bjerg>, for further information

Kresten Bjerg
Mag.art. forhenværende lektor i psykologi,



Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

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