This will not work if you are on Windows. I believe that a bugzilla report is already sitting at RunRev concerning double-clicking on .rev files. What happens is that the mouse cursor disappears whenever you go over the window that is opened. If you use the IDE to File->Open Stack, it will work fine.

I have no idea if anyone is looking at this or not but I consider it a big deal since users are expecting to double-click on an icon to launch it.

Len Morgan

... a simple "Save Page AsŠ" works to save the file locally.  A quick double
click on that will then open the file in Rev...  Much more convenient in my
mind. Not only that but it lets me go back to the file when I have a spare
moment and actually take the time to enjoy working with it.

Only one caution....make sure to keep the ".rev" or ".mc" extension if you
want to preserve double-click opening (Safari (Mac OS X) sees the file as a
text file and asks if you'd like to add a ".txt" extension on the end.. Not
a good idea).

Hope this helps...


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