On Apr 11, 2005, at 4:07 PM, Jerry Balzano wrote:

Count me in as an interested party as well, although I have to say that $15 seems a little steep. The various "Take Control" books for various facets of Mac OS X, many of which are over 100 pages in length, are all $10 or less, and several are only $5.

If you sell a few thousand or even a few hundred copies of an eBook, you can price it lower than you can if you expect to sell a few dozen or at most 100. Rev's installed base being what it is (no, I don't know what it is; they won't tell anyone, even me, which is good business but no less annoying for that), I have to figure a higher price point to have even a remote chance of being paid a reasonable hourly rate for my effort.

Do add the message box (perhaps including SoSmart's very nice Message Picker) and its various "modes" among your topic list.

The Message Box will be included. No third party products will.

Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
RevConWest '05
June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California

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