Yes that would work. I forgot because I am not used to the (new to me) repeat for each and was more concerned if there was a way built into the repeat that did it. I was so concerned that I forgot that I could role my own.

Yah- many other languages supply a way to fetch the "key" as well as the value in these sort of structures, so it was a reasonable expectation! I guess since "for each" is sequential, it's easy enough to do without...

I did end up using the lineoffset and that works for what I am doing, but this would have been the way I did it before in SuperCard.

That'll work, but keep in mind it mostly defeats the speed of "for each". Incrementing a counter would preserve the speed advantage over other structures.

PS.. I have decided to take on our Director programmer after reading the threads about Adobe buying MM out. Before I felt that he had a lot of time invested and although I knew I could do this I didn't want to push him out. Now however I figured that it was a good time to 'recreate' in REV what he has been doing in MM Director for the past two years. I know REV can handle it especially since we are no longer posting a live version straight on the web of our software.

Good luck!

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