The problem with the archives is that
a) responses here are very fast (in other words, y'all make it easy),
and the culture is permissive
b) Honestly, the archive search tools are not as easy to use
c) Most of the responses are not so complicated as to discourage the
responders from telling the noobs to RTFA and
d) The lack of manuals means that most of the issues are from noobs,
who don't know about the archives, or aren't used to using them before
asking questions first.

I agree and and not only this, but also for a newbie it isn't always obvious what terms to seach for. For instance I had a problem that was to do with not knowing how to handle preOpenStack, openStack and closeStack. However, the code worked fine until I added a menubar. Both are areas that:

1)  Crash or make the IDE unuable.
2)  Are not documented in any detail (that I can find).
3)  Take a lot of time to debug.

Given all this, I spent ages trying to figure out what was wrong with the menubar handling, it was only once I starting asking questions did I follow the trail and let to the real problem.

Thanks again, I think it would be almost impossible to learn RunRev in any realistic time-frame without this list.

All the Best
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