Off-hand, one *possible* way of doing this (if I'm understanding correctly what you want, which is no guarantee) would be to:

1. Use a group with background behavior for the controls.
2. Have each control call a function or handler with the same name on all tabs.
3. Put the *scripts* for those handlers at the card level rather than the background level.

Pressing a button in the group might, e.g., send the message "iGotClicked" in all cases (because you cannot have different scripts for the objects in a single group without doing a lot of conditional processing as far as I can come up with off the top of my head). But on one card, the iGotClicked handler does one thing and on another card, the handler of the same name does something completely different.

Make sense?

Maybe someone more awake than I am can offer a cleaner solution.

On Apr 27, 2005, at 3:30 AM, docmann wrote:

Basically, I need the same control interface (UI) for each of my tabs, but with different scripting actions for each card.
Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
RevConWest '05
June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California

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