On 5/1/05 4:50 PM, "Jan Schenkel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Thanks, Xavier, but the problem is that it doesn't
>> work... remember this is
>> for OS X, where the moveWindow message is only sent
>> when you are done
>> moving, not *while* you're moving (like it is in
>> Windows).
>> Any other ideas? Anyone?
>> :-)
>> Ken Ray
> Since it's MacOSX only, you could try a drawer ?
> Unless it can't be hooked up to the other window, that
> is.

Well... it can; what I'm trying to simulate is the "customize toolbar" sheet
that drops down from a toolbar. Since sheets always drop from the tilebar of
a stack, I couldn't "just" use a sheet (since I need it to drop from the
toolbar, and not from the titlebar). However I've been able to simulate it
by creating a 1 pixel high palette that is positioned below my toolbar and
drops the sheet. But unfortunately, if you drag the "main" stack (the one
with the toolbar), the sheet doesn't follow like it's supposed to (since
it's not attached to the main stack, but to the palette). So unfortunately I
can't use a drawer in this case...

Good idea, though.

If I can't get the two to drag together, I'd be willing to make the main
stack undraggable while the "customize toolbar" sheet is displayed. But how
can you prevent a stack from being moved?

And unfortunately I don't have control over the stack that the toolbar's
attached to (so I can't use a custom window/custom drag region).

Is there anything left that I can do?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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