On 5/6/05 4:32 AM, "Chris Carroll-Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We have a bunch of Applescripts that we fire from from SC that are
> broken under Tiger.  These are all to control and manipulate movies
> with QTPlayer. Apple actually seem to have changed the syntax for
> scripting with QTPlayer.  Ughhh.  I suppose this is a QT7 issue
> rather than Applescript per se, but still it goes to show that
> nothing is safe...

Chris, thanks for letting us know... Apple broke the "GURLGURL" apple event
(among other things) when the 10.1-10.2 transition took hold and didn't tell
anyone also, so you're right... nothing is safe.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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