Hi everyone,

Since I had to revise some of my How-To stacks due to Rev 2.5.1 inconsistent behaviour, I decided to provide a direct access to the last updated or released How-To stacks through a "shell" stack working in collaboration with my website released as a plugin.
It's the reason why I asked a few days ago for a speed test and I renew my grateful thanks to all who replied.
This stack is now ready but before relasing it, I want it to be tested with different connexions, on different platforms and from different places around the world :-)
So, if you are interested to have a look, just email me directly: I shall send you the right link to get it... from the web ;-)
Thanks in advance,

Best regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

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