I find the current table fields just too clunky.

I am creating a table object based on grouped fields. After a recent fix of a 
few bugs, it seems to work quite well, and allows for much better control.

The advantage to this approach is that it allowed me to do things like allow 
for a simple scheme for moving columns, inserting columns, proper tabbing, 
automatic vertical scrolling, etc...

If anyone wants a copy of this object, just e-mail me, and I will be happy to 
send it to you. It work well right now - but I plan to keep modifying it and 
adding in new capabilities.

For a table that needs to hold several hundred (or even several hundred 
thousand) rows, I am thinking of creating a different design - one that holds 
the data for each row in a custom property, and creates the fields/groups from 
the appropriate custom property for each row on the fly as the user scrolls up 
or down, then destroys those fields/groups as the row dissappears from view 
when it is scrolled past.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 9:27 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Table field behavior

Wow -- can't we make this any more complicated?

Thanks a whole lot. I will put your code in right now and start in as that
automatic scroll thing is annoying as ^([EMAIL PROTECTED] (if you curse in 
than no one will see).

On 5/20/05 9:17 AM, "Eric Chatonet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello Bill,
> I am working on a How-To stack about table fields.
> It's not finished but here is an excerpt from this stack which might
> help you without waiting for the release :-)
> As you will see it, it's a little bit dry and tricky :-(
> But fully commented :-)
> Following scripts are placed in the card script.
>> By default, a table has no limits: you can use the arrowkeys or the
>> tabkey to navigate as far as you wish.
>> Practically, you will often need to display a x*y cells table
>> without scrollbars as a matrix where all cells are visible and let
>> the user navigate in carousel (go from the last cell in a row to
>> the first cell in the next row and so on) through the limits you
>> have set.
>> In order to set these limits, you will trigger the keyboard events
>> within a rawKeyDown handler.
>> Here the limits which are integers are stored as custom properties
>> named xLimit and yLimit in the table field named "MyTable":
>> on rawKeyDown pKey
>>   -- allows tabbing and arrowkeys to act in carousel
>>   -- horizontal and vertical limits are stored in 2 custom
>> properties (xLimit and yLimit) in the table field
>>   if "revCell" is in the target then
>>     -- when editing a table field, target function returns
>> something like: field "revCell-1,1"
>>     if the xLimit of fld "MyTable" = "None" or the xLimit of fld
>> "MyTable" is empty then pass rawKeyDown -- no limits
>>     -----
>>     switch pKey
>>     case 65363 -- arrow key right
>>     case 65289 -- tab key
>>       if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" = the
>> xLimit of fld "MyTable" then
>>         if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" = the
>> yLimit of fld "MyTable" then
>>           SelectCell "MyTable",1,1 -- the first table cell
>>         else
>>           SelectCell "MyTable",1,the cRevTable["currentycell"] of
>> fld "MyTable" + 1 -- the first table cell in the next line
>>         end if
>>       else pass rawKeyDown
>>       break
>>       -----
>>     case 65361 -- arrow key left
>>       if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" = 1 then
>>         if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" <> 1 then
>>           SelectCell "MyTable",the xLimit of fld "MyTable",the
>> cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" - 1 -- 
>>           -- the last allowed table cell in the previous line
>>         else
>>           SelectCell "MyTable",the xLimit of fld "MyTable",the
>> yLimit of fld "MyTable" -- 
>>           -- the last allowed table cell
>>         end if
>>       else pass rawKeyDown
>>       break
>>       -----
>>     case 65364 -- arrow key down
>>       if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" = the
>> yLimit of fld "MyTable" then
>>         if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" = the
>> xLimit of fld "MyTable" then
>>           SelectCell "MyTable",1,1 -- the first table cell
>>         else SelectCell "MyTable",the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of
>> fld "MyTable" + 1,1 -- 
>>         -- the first table cell in the next column
>>       else pass rawKeyDown
>>       break
>>       -----
>>     case 65362 -- arrow key up
>>       if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" = 1 then
>>         if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" <> 1 then
>>           SelectCell "MyTable",the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld
>> "MyTable" - 1,the yLimit of fld "MyTable" -- 
>>           -- the last allowed table cell in the previous column
>>         else SelectCell "MyTable",the xLimit of fld "MyTable",the
>> yLimit of fld "MyTable" -- 
>>         -- the last allowed table cell
>>       else pass rawKeyDown
>>       break
>>       -----
>>     default
>>       pass rawKeyDown -- lets the engine do it
>>     end switch
>>   else pass rawKeyDown
>> end rawKeyDown
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> on SelectCell pFieldName,pColumn,pRow
>>   -- select a cell
>>   -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
>>   -- pColumn parameter is the column number (an integer)
>>   -- pRow parameter is the row number (an integer)
>>   SetCurXCell pFieldName,pColumn -- 
>>   SetCurYCell pFieldName,pRow -- 
>>   -----
>>   SetScroll "hScroll",the cRevTable["cellxspacing"] of fld
>> pFieldName * (pColumn - 1),pFieldName,"Header" -- 
>>   SetScroll "vScroll",the cRevTable["cellyspacing"] of fld
>> pFieldName * (pRow - 1),pFieldName,"Rows" -- 
>>   -----
>>   click at CellLoc(pFieldName,pColumn,pRow) -- 
>>   -----
>>   -- to select again the current cell, you can use:
>>   -- click at the cRevTable["currentxmouseloc"] of fld
>> pFieldName,the cRevTable["currentymouseloc"] of fld pFieldName
>> end SelectCell
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> function CellLoc pFieldName,pColumn,pRow
>>   -- returns the loc of any cell
>>   -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
>>   -- pColumn parameter is the column number (an integer)
>>   -- pRow parameter is the row number (an integer)
>>   local  
>> tLeft,tTop,tCellxspacing,tCellyspacing,tCurrenthscroll,tCurrentvscroll
>>   -----
>>   put the left of fld pFieldName into tLeft
>>   put the top of fld pFieldName into tTop
>>   put the cRevTable["cellxspacing"] of fld pFieldName into
>> tCellxspacing
>>   put the cRevTable["cellyspacing"] of fld pFieldName into
>> tCellyspacing
>>   put the hScroll of fld pFieldName into tCurrenthscroll
>>   put the vScroll of fld pFieldName into tCurrentvscroll
>>   return ((pColumn - 1) * tCellxspacing) + (tCellxspacing div 2) +
>> tLeft - tCurrenthscroll, \
>>       ((pRow - 1) * tCellyspacing) + (tCellyspacing div 2) + tTop -
>> tCurrentvscroll
>> end CellLoc
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> on SetCurXCell pFieldName,pValue
>>   -- updates prop in the cRevTable of the table field
>>   -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
>>   -- pValue parameter is the column number (an integer)
>>   set the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld pFieldName to pValue
>> end SetCurXCell
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> on SetCurYCell pFieldName,pValue
>>   -- updates prop in the cRevTable of the table field
>>   -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
>>   -- pValue parameter is the row number (an integer)
>>   set the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld pFieldName to pValue
>> end SetCurYCell
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> on SetScroll
>>   -- sets the table field and header fields scrolls if they are any
>>   -- the syntax is not very comprehensible since this handler can
>> set the scroll of an unknown number of fields
>>   -- then it refers to parameters by order/number and not by name
>> using the do command
>>   lock screen
>>   lock messages
>>   repeat with i = 3 to the paramcount
>>     do "put there is a fld" && param(i) && "into tFlag"
>>     if tFlag then do "set the" && param(1) && "of fld" && param(i)
>> && "to" && param(2)
>>     -- param (3) to param(x) are the names of the fields
>>   end repeat
>>   unlock messages
>>   unlock screen
>> end SetScroll
> That's all!
> Is it enough?
> Le 20 mai 05 ΰ 14:58, Bill a ιcrit :
>> The docs on table fields is rather sparse.
>> An example table field has six cells across. It is unlocked on Mac
>> OSX. When
>> you enter data and tab across to the next cell and enter data for
>> that cell
>> and tab it works fine until you get to the last cell then it
>> automatically
>> scrolls to the right (there are no scroll bars set for either
>> vertical or
>> horizontal). This automatic scroll to the right makes all the
>> previously
>> entered data not visible and is a behavior I want to prevent. I tried
>> locking position and that didn't work.
>> How do I do this?
> Best regards from Paris,
> Eric Chatonet.
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