On 5/24/05 1:29 PM, John Dixon wrote:

Using Toast and the ISO 9660 settings I have burnt a CD... The CD contains
the .app standalone as well as the .exe standalone... However, when I open
the CD, the icon that was attached is replaced by the generic Mac
application icon...

Do you mean the Mac icon doesn't show (as opposed to the PC icon)? Does it show in the Finder? In all views? If so, then you have that part working.

Your CD actually may be okay; sometimes if I immediately insert the CD into the same Mac that burned it, it doesn't look right, but if I mount it on a different Mac that hasn't seen the CD before, it does. If you have another Mac, check that.

If that isn't the problem, Toast had some issues with OS X icons, if I remember right, especially in older versions. I think there is some info on their site about it. One thing you can try is to force a Finder update by leaving the folder containing your source app open on the desktop and then logging out. Log back in and try Toast again. Check their online tech support database too; if your icon shows okay in Finder but not on the CD, I think it's a Toast glitch.

I've seen this problem too, but it has always been when I've burned an OS 9 app using Toast in OS X. The OS X icons seem to work okay.

Can someone who has experience of attaching icons to rev standalones please
step in and save my sanity ?!*@

Only to say that we have all been there...it gets better after a while. :) If Finder is consistently showing your icons in all views, attaching the icon isn't the problem. It's Toast.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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