Hello everyone...

I feel like I am just not getting some basic concepts in trying to use
the Valentina kernal for RunRev. So, I have a few questions:

1) Is a base object (table) basically a set of columns? 

2) A base object can contain zero records, yet you are still allowed to
set the value of a field in a base object. Does setting the value of a
field, without any selected record, basically have no effect?

3) Is the following the correct order of events for creating a record:
        a) Create database or make sure it exists
        b) Create table (base object) or make sure it exists
        c) Create columns in table or make sure they already exist
        d) add record, at which time that record becomes the selected
record for that table
        e) insert information into that record

4) Since a cursor is a selection of records, can you have a cursor if
the table has zero records?

5) When is it necessary, and when is it not necessary but probably
better, to use a cursor rather than working directly with the base

6) Do records have specific IDs, such that I could call up record 57 of
base object "billingdata"? 

Thanks, and my apologies if I am asking ignorant questions for which I
should know better.


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