
you knwo what?....i am totally NEW to rev...and am getting 50 emails per this list...about PROBLEMS basically....

occasioanlly you get a success story....

Not really about problems but rather about LEARNING. There is always a better more efficient way to do something and when people are discussing them they are in affect trying to learn. As is the case with most things not all the successes are reported back to the list. If someone is working on a problem and a few people are contributing to the solution or solutions to it when the do get the answer they need they are back to programming and sometimes forget to come back to the list and report on what they did and or how they solved it.

it strikes me....that a lot of the emails...are looking for know....but when you look at the TASKS that are bieng performed...they are not TOO COMPLICATED....

it seams that NOBODY knows how to achieve very much with REV....or at least...they are TRYING TO HARD ...TO ACHIEVE TO MUCH....

This borders on RUDE saying that NOBODY knows very much. But you are welcome to any opinion you have. As far as the Tasks are concerned they are usually a tiny part of a major project that the programmer has stumbled on and when they solve this little bit they are back to doing great things. (That's the case with me.)

REV is a massive language...with IMMENSE POWER....but to a NEW PERSON...with ZERO porgramming skills...i find it quite TEDIUOS to say the least...

a simple CLOCK FACE with a SECOND HAND ticking by....takes 100 lines of CODE to ACHIEVE....and DAYS of work....

sure you can look on these LISTS for answers....and that is VERY GOOD...but how far do you want to go..with FIRING in THE DARK for answers?

Such is LIFE. Why do you feel it necessary to keep pointing out that a clock face takes 100 lines of code and DAYS of work????

For that matter why do you still capitalize every other word in your emails? I know I sent you an email telling you how it is perceived as screaming. SO maybe you are screaming?

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