
Saturday, May 28, 2005, 6:33:36 PM, you wrote:

DB> I would like to add one more feature, but I don't have a clue how to
DB> do this.  I would like it to cause the documentation window in the
DB> IDE to search for the def of a property when I click on the name in
DB> the table.  Any ideas?

DB> What next? Messages...

Thanks. This is a great little tool to have around.

Unfortunately, you'll find that a lot of the property names just
aren't in the documentation as individual entries (yes, the
documentation *does* need work). Try finding "caption", for example.
Others are not easily pinpointed - try finding "name" and you'll come
up with many hits.

But if you want to give this a try, how about:

open stack "revdocs"
put targetString into field "Find" of stack "revdocs"
send "mouseUp" to button "Go" of stack "revdocs"

...and here's a hint: if you enable "Revolution UI elements in lists"
in the "View" menu you'll see all the IDE stacks in the Application
Browser. Then you can make some educated guesses about what's
controlling what and poke around to do all sorts of interesting

-Mark Wieder

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