I ran twice just to make sure. Win XP Rev 2.5.1

Step 8. Ctrl-S worked OK. Apply btn was greyed out.

Step 11. Msg box was 123. Apply btn no longer active.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alex Tweedly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: bug

Mark Wieder wrote:


Saturday, June 4, 2005, 5:23:54 PM, you wrote:

AT> ctrl-S does a "Save stack"
AT> It does NOT Apply any outstanding edits that you may have - and AT> therefore does not check for script errors.

Yes it does.

Not for me it doesn't .....

0. start a new clean run of Rev IDE
1. create a new mainstack
2. add a button
3. edit the button script,  to be

on mouseUp
  put "1" after msg
end mouseUp

4. apply the script
5. save (and name) the stack
5a. switch to "run" mode, and run it (click on the button) to verify the msg window will now contain 1
6. edit the script by replacing the "1" by "2"
7. apply this change, and run it to verify the msg window now says 12
8. edit the script, replacing "2" by "3"
( NB - at this point, with focus still in the editor window, ctrl-S does not work for me )
9. click on the window border of the main stack
10. in the main menu, select File/Save [or hit ctrl-S] (and see / click to remove the "saving ... " box)
11. run it again - msg window now says   122
i.e. the script has not been applied (confirmed by the fact that the Apply button is still "live")

If someone could confirm this, I'll add it to Mark's BZ 2868
Or if you can't confirm this, I'll find out what I'm doing wrong :-)

Control-S does an "apply and save". Unfortunately, it does this all in
one swell foop - it applies the changes, brings up the error dialog,
brings the script editor back up, and saves the stack anyway. If you
don't notice that there's an error dialog somewhere on the screen (as
in the case where it's hidden behind the script editor) then there's
no indication that you've saved errors in the script.

It would be rather nice if the error dialog appeared in the list of
open windows. And if the script editor didn't get brought in front of
the error dialog. And if save didn't save errors.

Oh, all right - I'll bugzilla this one.

Alex Tweedly       http://www.tweedly.net

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