on 6/6/05 12:58 pm,  Jon wrote :


I like your ShrinkToFit handler quite a lot: it's exactly (well, more or
less!) what I was about to write!  Thanks!

That said, the stack behaves strangely on my machine.  I open an image
(good!).  I close the image (good!).  None of the menus work at all
(bad!).  I switch to another application or two.  I come back.  The
menus work again (good!).  Your demonstration is wonderful; I have no
idea how/'why the menus are behaving as they are.

Thanks for sharing this neat facility with us all!



Jon, sorry to have got your name wrong earlier. Duh! Can you try the stack
again in its revised form. I hope the menu behaviour is now a bit less
bizarre. But the fact is I wrote it and tested it only on a Mac (OS 9.2) -
I'm not sure how x-platform Rev really is. I have moved a couple of
standalones to XP, and both times found that my windows were too big...

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