on 6/6/05 2:20 pm,  Alex Tweedly wrote :
You can download a sample "bad" photo from www.tweedly.net/IMGP0635.JPG
 - but beware it's 1.5Mb
(btw - it shows a crowd of us from the EuroRevCon 2004 in beautiful
Malta !!)

This photo looks fine in Windows viewer, and in Photoshop, and in .....
and unscaled in Rev, but not when scaled.

I have only seen this problem on large photos - my camera produces
3000x2000 pixels - though I haven't yet experimented much; until today I
had assumed *I* was doing something wrong :-)

Alex Tweedly       http://www.tweedly.net

Alex, do you want the good news or the bad news? Well, actually, they're the
same - your mega photo works just fine in all three modes on my machine (G4
Mac OS9). It also opens in Apple's PictureViewer. Great camera! The
resolution at full size is quite something - a steady hand, too, of

So what the x-platform is going on?

And are you going to label the participants?


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