
Glad you liked my program <blush>

I'm using an image component that does some things internally (like rotations and all of the stretching that I'm having so much trouble with in Rev), but the Make White, Make Black/White, Linear, and Contrast Stretch are all done by me, "manually".

I don't need to program in "C" to use a "C" library: Delphi can call any "C" routine it wants to. I just don't really want to have to either 1) tell my user that they have to go download blah blah and blah blah and blah blah and then install them all before my program works; and 2) I don't want to have to bundle lots of libraries with my software. Maybe there is some way to write 3 or 4 libraries and bundle them into the executables, but I'm not aware of it right now.



Chipp Walters wrote:

Hi Jon,

I, too visited your webiste and found your cool image viewer. I do a lot w/imageData in Rev (ButtonGadget and ImageGadget) and understand what you're doing.

Couple of observations:

1) Are you doing this natively in Delphi? Or do you use an external library to do the image manipulation?

2) Do you program in C? If so, you may consider rolling your own external for Rev using the OpenSource ImageMagick libraries. They would be able to do what it is you need in a fraction of a second.

Unfortunately, like Flash, Director and other Xtalks, it doesn't have direct support of image gamma, black-point, white-point and other filters. These things are typically best left to externals. Here at Altuit, we've considered building such an external when we get the time:-)



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