Is there a different, parallel path to notify RunRev of something a serious as this so they can get started on it right away?


On Jun 7, 2005, at 9:29 PM, Dennis Brown wrote:

Of course my scripts are failing also. I write a lot of "if it is empty then exit mouseUp"

I traced through this and found that the it variable appeared to be empty after I hit Cancel. However, the if empty would fail. When I manually select the contents of the it variable in the variable watcher and delete, the test succeeds. So the it variable is being set to something that looks empty, but isn't.

This is critical! I would expect RunRev to have a fix for this in the next 24 hours! This might point to why I have been experiencing not so nice behavior in the IDE. Back to 2.5 untill the 2.6.1 version.


On Jun 7, 2005, at 9:02 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 6/7/05 1:23 PM, "Éric Miclo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

on myCommand
   ask question "What do you look for?" as sheet
if it is empty or the result is "Cancel" or the result is empty then
     do nothing
     do something
   end if
end myCommand

In my opinion, after having a sight at the documentation, it is a
bug. Am I wrong?

No, Eric, you're right! And this is a bug that will probably bite a lot of
people (including me)...

I can't tell you how many places I've said stuff like:

  ask <string>
  if the result is not "Cancel" then
    put it into tString
    <do something with tString>
  end if

NOW, this will totally fail. It of course works properly in 2.5.1, so it's definitely a 2.6 bug. Eric, if you don't log it in Bugzilla let me know and
I'll log it. Please mark it as "severe".


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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