Not forgetting, Brian, just discounting. :-D

I avoided that stuff like the plague.

Guess I'm a bit of an xtalk purist (or some would say bigot). Transcript isn't going to be THE solution/language for all problems. Every time we try to glue something onto it to solve a problem it wasn't intended to solve, we risk making the stuff it does do easily and well harder.

Transcript/Rev aren't a general-purpose environment. There's a whole class of apps for which they are ideally suited. There are also many for which it's not the right tool. I'm in favor of continuing to make it do what it does do better and better.

I suspect you are, too, so I'm not being contrary here, just clarifying.

On Jun 21, 2005, at 10:31 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:


You're forgetting a huge feature of CompileIt! (in fact, the only one I used it for, I never found much use in trying to just speed up scripts with it)... direct toolbox access.

While Rev eliminates a lot of the need, it would certainly be nice to be able to write externals in xTalk- and toolbox access is something a lot of people here want.

With that said, I don't think it's happening, and if anything it would come in the form of toolbox access from the engine.

- Brian


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about this.

How in the world would you expect a compiled script or handler -- if such a thing were possible -- to then be smoothly integrated into a stand-alone app?

We needed CompileIt! in HyperCard *far* less for performance than for code protection and the ability to deliver stuff that didn't require the player to be around. Neither of those is an issue today in Revolution.

As for performance, tuning for such situations has produced staggering results. I was blown away in Monterey last weekend to watch a dynamically populated menu that was pulling its contents from 100 text files appear in under a second. I've never heard much here in the way of complaints about slow programs written in Rev.


On Jun 21, 2005, at 9:31 PM, MisterX wrote:


Creating apps with rev has NOTHING to do with compileIt.

I really would like to speed up some scripts to manipulate
arrays (where rev has some serious limitations) and the best
possible way to do that would be to have something like

I cannot create DLL to create externals in Rev can i? ;)

There's an apparent fan group of CompileIT who would pay
dearly to get this functionality back. And I'd rather shell
out credits to rev than to Moft or MW for a dll compiler for

Meanwhile, in the jungle, any rev app without this and
manipulating many lists or very long is definitely a dog
compared to any real-compiled application. Rev will never
compete in that "segment" compared to a real compiled app.
Although this is apparent, it is not when all of your
application runs smooth and fast, until the user enters
his real data.

Example: The HotKeyN2O stack stores all properties of all
controls in a card when the user opens the card. The props
are all in array form which cannot be stored into another
array (time based array of object changes). So for each
object i have to translate array[key]=data to <key>data</key>.

This in turn is stored into a time-based array. So if i need
to restore the property (any) for any object and at any time,
it's ultra easy - except that the translation process is so
slow after 10 controls trasnlated that it's USELESS if i dont
write that into a real-compiled external.

So CompileIt is needed - and very much so i would say - we
all have these uses for it where Rev just doesn't can't
perform fast enough.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Dan Shafer
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 06:10
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: compileIt for revolution?

I think perhaps you haven't yet understood Revolution very well.
That's cool; it takes a while.

With Rev, we don't need CompileIt! because Rev produces
stand-alone, compiled applications for multiple platforms as
part of its way of doing business.

On Jun 21, 2005, at 6:48 PM, Eric Engle wrote:

Is there any chance that Heizer/Royalsoft (or anyone else for that
matter) will
make a script compiler for revolution like compileIt?

Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author Get my book, "Revolution: Software
at the Speed of Thought"
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