These pop-up windows will generally be single card sub-stacks of the main stack. If you're coming from Hypercard, you need to get your head around the fact that in Rev, a stack file can contain one mainstack and as many sub-stacks as you want, each having it's own size and even shape.



On 27 Jun 2005, at 20:19, Rob Beynon wrote:


I've seen stacks where popup windows, complete with a full set of
title bar tools and a menubar, can be made to appear, for example, to
record preferences.

Are these cards? Can new cards be made to be a different size to the first
card in a stack? And, how does one make all the controls (radi
buttons, fields etc) behave as a single entity (through a group?).

This is a whole new level of RR programming for me, so some advice
would be very helpful.

All best wishes,

(Created at 20:16 on 27/06/2005)

Prof. Rob Beynon                    |+44 151 794 4312 (voice)
Dept. Veterinary Preclinical        |+44 151 794 4243 (fax)
Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ     |mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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