I'd like to have just one button injector and a system to customise the function of the button. What I envisage is a drop down list that enters a script into the button. Is it possible (from an standalone) to highlight the button in the
cloned stack with something like a right click(just like
in the rev IDE), then a prefernces window (which I'll create) pops up with a
popup button with the fnuctions.

Then when I click on OK it enters the script into the highlighted button.

EG click on "OK" and it does something ,like this.

On mouseup
insert on mouseup & cr & dothisaction & cr & end mouseup into the highlighted
button of the last stack open
end mopuseup

What about a script like this in your cloned stack's script:

on mouseUp pBtnNumber
  global gSelectedButton

-- check if right mouse button is used and if it is clicked over a button
  if pBtnNumber = 3 and the name of the target contains "button" then
    put the target into gSelectedButton
    -- perhaps make some visual change to indicate the selected button
    -- change it's color, draw a box around it or something like that
    pass mouseUp
  end if
end mouseUp

Then your "script insertion" script can use whatever is in the global gSelectedButton to set the script.

on mouseUp
  global gSelectedButton
  set the script of gSelectedButton to "on mouseUp" & cr & \
    "doThisAction" & cr & "end mouseUp"
end mouseUp


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