Having spent the last few days finally getting mySQL to work here, from the research that I did over the last days, the problem with all of these things, Rev, CocoaMySQL, YourSQL, etc. all may have related to the major change that mySQL did with how it hashes passwords with version 4.1. If you set up passwords under a post 4.1 server setup but were using a pre 4.1 client (such as Rev), it won't connect. The solution that has been suggested here (resetting the passwords using SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('mypass'); should fix the problem for all these clients. Having done this (reset my passwords for the old hashing), Rev is working as is CocoaMySQL (I don't know whether there is a password problem with the latter or not; I fixed my passwords before trying it and now at least it is working fine under Tiger.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


"Badges??  We don't need no stinkin badges!"

On Jul 5, 2005, at 7:33 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

Well, I re-downloaded YourSQL and tested it and it ran first time just very nicely.

So maybe I had an earlier version that wasn't quite ready.

Thanks for the reminder/pointer. I'm going to poke at it a bit, see if I can tick it off.


On Jul 5, 2005, at 4:25 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Dan, you said you were migrating to Dreamhost. Did you make sure your local machine or network's IP is included with your user info ? Also all names and pw must be lower case... it takes a bit of futzing to make it all happy.

I'm a 'late adopter' to Tiger so I haven't tested it. Development seems to have stopped.

I'm looking around, at first look there seems to be a new competitor: YourSQL. Haven't tested it yet but is being developed.



But CocoaMySQL appears broken with Tiger. At least it didn't work for me. Refused to connect to any of my databases. I downloaded the MySQL Administrator from the MySQL site. Works great but doesn't allow me to manage database content. So what? I use Rev!


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