Mark Wieder wrote:
Thursday, August 18, 2005, 1:01:28 PM, you wrote:

Jon wrote:
I envy those of you who use Rev all of the time.  For the rest of us, it
continues to be a very frustrating experience.

How many other multi-platform programming language have your learned,
and how much less time did they take to master?

Sorry, Richard, but I think this is out of line here. I don't really
know where I learned about the backslash, but it ain't easy finding
out what the line continuation character is unless you ask it here.
It's certainly not obvious from searching through the documentation,
and if it's in there I couldn't say where it is. I learn a lot by
looking at other people's code, but not everyone has the same style of

Of course; I wouldn't presume to speak for all users, exerienced or otherwise.

I learned about Transcript's line continuation character from other scripters, just like Jon did. If that was the extent of his post there would have been no reason for follow-ups from Chipp, me, other the others who've replied here.

But since he raised the suggestion that Rev is unusually frustrating, to understand what he means it's helpful to know what he's comparing it to.

All product documentation has holes in it, and not just software; cars, cell phones, and many other product docs are just as lacking. Everyone tries to do a good job with their docs, but everyone fails with some detail or another. As Chipp pointed out, the world's most popular IDE made by the world's richest software company fails just as miserably as Rev on this one.

As I noted in my previous post, I fully agree with Jon that it would be great for Rev to include an entry for the backslash token in the docs. If someone will kindly drop this into the BZ queue we can expect that to happen, then we'd never need to think about it again and Rev would have one up on Microsoft. I remain very supportive of any productive activities that improve the product and people's experience with it.

And as far as learning a programming language being frustrating, I agree there too -- all of them are at one time or another.

If Rev is portrayed as frustrating enough to be noteworthy, I don't see how it's out of line to ask what it's being compared to.

 Richard Gaskin
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