I am trying to update my blogger client using the Rev XMLRPC library. Can't figure out how to use it...

This is for the movable type API...

on mouseUp
  -- put "puck.at.subik.com" into someHost
  -- put "wordpress/xmlrpc.php" into somePath

   put "test.com/wordpress/" into someHost
   put "xmlrpc.php" into somePath

  -- put "xmlrpc.php?metaWeblog.getPost" into somePath

  put 80 into somePort
put revXMLRPC_CreateRequest(someHost, somePort, somePath, "http") into theRequest

  put "test" into userName
  put "test" into pissWord

  put 8 into postId

  revXMLRPC_AddParam theRequest, "string", "metaWeblog.getPost"
  revXMLRPC_AddParam theRequest, "string", postId
  revXMLRPC_AddParam theRequest, "string", userName
  revXMLRPC_AddParam theRequest, "string", pissWord

  put revXMLRPC_Execute(theRequest) into theResponse
  put theResponse

if revXMLRPC_Documents() is not empty then revXMLRPC_DeleteAllDocuments
end mouseUp

Returns: error 400 Bad Request

Most else returns: 404 Not Found....

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