Bill and All,

My idea about we would realy need to get the best enlacement Web 2.0 can provide us...

1.- i'm for my own very happy with the mailing lists ;
2.- i don't think that "more features is always better" (forum, wiki) ;
3.- i would be realy interested in beeing, in the same time, able to continue to post my mails to the lists and, second part, able to read out them from a revisited blog system witch could provide us all the messages packaged as categorized bulletins. This presentation could be very helpfull in about the ease of read and retrieve the post and threads, in about a valuable mailman system replacement front-end.

In about free installable rock-solid multi-admin blog solutions, wordpress was a serious candidate until the first class dotclear system became available. It support all the features and enlacements we can expect from such a tool, even the integration of any custom (static or dynamic applications) pages in the DotClear CSS2 templates.

Just a tought,

Best Regards,

Le 2 déc. 05 à 12:41, Bill Marriott a écrit :

I said nothing about the *content* of the mailing list, or the participants!

Obviously it's a great resource. This is the "official" mailing list -- you can't go anywhere else for that -- and I simply think it's cumbersome. My opinion is it should migrate toward a more attractive and accessible presentation. Just one little thing that could make Rev more "popular."

If you think the forum is as good as it is "because" it's in this format -- if you think this is somehow the "ideal" -- that's one thing. But I think it is this way "in spite of" the format. For example,

- I made my post completely oblivious that Kevin Miller had weighed in, because I received the digest with his post *after* I made mine. This is not "real-time." - If you look at the list archive, you see that this thread (and most others) are broken up into dozens of pieces so that it's quite hard to follow who is responding to what. - On days when there is high traffic, you get a *lot* of email. This has resulted in me filtering the Use-Revolution list into a folder, which results in reading it less often.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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