Bill Marriott wrote:

I tried looking up "stack menu" in the docs. I found:

"You create a stack menu by laying out the menu items as buttons in a stack window, then setting the menuName property of a button in another stack to the menu stack's name. Clicking the button displays the menu stack as a menu. If you use the same stack menu as the menuName of more than one button, the menuButton tells you which button the user clicked to display the stack menu."

I am not sure I comprehend what that means. You're probably right, I'm too casual a user (I've owned Rev for two years but don't use it daily) to know about the technique.

I apologize for assuming you were new to Rev. I've only seen your name on the list recently, so I made assumptions. I think 2 years of even casual use gives you enough experience to disqualify you as a newbie.

I've searched on "menu icon" and found nothing in help. The help topic "Menus and the menu bar" mentions nothing about icons. Just to be clear, I mean the little 16x16 icons to the left of items like New, Open, and Save in Word 2003. (Notice they also have the region set aside for menus colorized.)

In the docs, click the Topics button and then click on the main heading at the left for "Menus and the menubar". There is more descriptive info there.

Basically, you create a small stack, usually stored as a substack, that is the exact size of the menu when it is popped open. You populate the stack with anything you want, which in this case would be images at the left and buttons representing menu items to the right of each image. Unlike the default type of menu, the objects in a stack menu recieve mouse messages rather than menupick messages, so you script your menu stack buttons (and images, if you want) with "mouseup" handlers. Then in the main menu button (the one that shows in the menubar) either set the menuName property of the button to a reference to the stack, or place a mouseDown handler containing a pulldown, popup, or option command in the script of the button.

I agree this isn't as easy as a built-in, automated method, but it can be done. As you mentioned, lots of your suggestions can be done, they only need to be scripted. I think the biggest challenge for Runtime is figuring out how many of these things ought to become automatic. For example, while icons in menus is common on Windows, it is almost unheard of on Macs. Balancing all priorites while providing cross-platform support is a tricky thing, and I'm not sure how I would make those decisions. Scott Raney's philosophy was that highest priority should go to those features which cannot be done without an engine change, and those things that can be scripted have lower priorities. For now, that seems quite reasonable to me.

<snip rest>

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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