> Well :-)
> Sorry if I misunderstood.
> You could try this tested workaround:
> on SetImage pID
>    local tFlag
>    ------
>     if there is an image ID pID then
>      set the ID of image ID pID to 250000
>      put true into tFlag
>     end if
>     put image ID pID of stack "X3" into image "Template"
>     -- or what you want :-)
>     if tFlag then set the ID of image ID 250000 to pID
> end SetImage

Thanks, Eric, this surely works; I only was searching for a tip to avoid the
change (also if temporary) of the source image ID, as I can have many stacks
opened and many images to load together, but I am beginning to think that it
does not exist :-( 

Thanks again

Paul Claude

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