Dear Ken,

I do hope that all of this doesn't add up to a programming principle I learned many years ago. On a different machine, even with the same operating system, a program can still crash for reasons which are not immediately apparent. We just have to test, test, and test again, on machines of all shapes and sizes. The problem might, for example, be one of timing. The machine I used to create the widgets is a particularly fast one, with a dual processor. If your machine is slower, this might somehow cause problems.

Another interesting piece of data is the fact that although the widget stacks and standalones work perfectly here on my machine using Win XP Pro (SP1), I have Windows ME installed on the same machine, and the widgets don't run at all under Win ME! All kinds of crazy things occurred. For example, a simple call to a handler on card "Card3" from the stack script just caused everything to freeze.

But before I go off and try to find other XP machines to test my widgets, I have a thought. I find it strange that you would have actually run the programs from Documents and Settings. In certain senses, this is a "special" folder that is protected in certain ways (but exactly how I can't really say). Please do me the favour of copying the the EXE and INI files to some other folder (e.g. C:\kentemp) and let me know if you still encounter the same problems.

Ken Ray wrote:

On 1/17/06 11:41 AM, "Bob Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Ken,

Thanks very much indeed for the quick feedback. My hair began to stand
on end at the bugs you seem to have found until I read the following:
Ken Ray wrote:
For troubleshooting, I'm running WinXP Pro, SP2, and the path to the
folder I downloaded and executed stuff from is:
c:\Documents and >Desttings\Ken\Desktop\RunRev_Chooser_Widgets_DEMO_PACK_2
I suspect that you might not have read "__readme.txt".

Actually, I did, but...

The point is that the EXE files can be run from any folder, accompanied
by their respective INI's. But if you run the DEMO stack, the default
folder becomes that of Revolution itself, and the demo stack expects to
find the widget EXEs in the same folder (i.e. that of Revolution).
Did you follow the instructions? If not, please try it. If so, please
let me know as soon as you can so that I can look into the problems
involved (somehow). Here, I am using WinXP Pro, SP1, and the widgets
work perfectly in all respects.

Actually I was not running the Rev file, but only the EXEs, which should
work from any folder (as you identified). So unfortunately the bugs still
stand. :-(

5) I really think it would be great to add a "resizable" option to
the INI
files, which would start at the predefined width/height, and allow
the user
at runtime to resize it if they wanted to.
This is already in the pipeline for #2.
Although the overall size of the widget can be changed through the INI
file, the proportion of the widths of the left (folders) pane and the
right (files) pane is fixed at 2/3:1/3. This may be more or less correct
generically, but of course the convenience of this proportion depends
heavily on the lengths of the user's folder names and file names!

Another way of handling it would be to maintain the fixing of the
overall window size in the INI file, but to allow the operator to drag
the division between the left and right panes (e.g. as in the CHM-style
RR Help).

Or perhaps both would be better: allow the operator to re-size the
window AND drag the division between the L-R panes.


6) I'd suggest making the INI files follow the real INI format
(param=value), that way it eliminates potential issues with people
to change one param on line 5, but accidentally changing one on line
6. If
you do that, you can use "split" to easily get the data into a readable
I thought of doing it that way, but then decided against it. But I'm not
being dogmatic about it. If you don't mind, I think I'll hang fire on
that one for the moment until you get the existing version working and I
see what the opinion of other users is. OK?

Fine by me...

I have not received any Use_Revolution lists for over a day now, so I am
not sure what feedback has/has not been published. I presume that you
wrote to me off-list?


I am sure you will not mind if I post this reply
to the List. Apart from stressing the importance of reading the README
file, I think the points you have raised would be of general interest. OK?

Once again, many thanks for your useful feedback (as always).

No problem...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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