On Mar 22, 2006, at 3:40 PM, thulme wrote:

Hi All,

I'm a newbie reading through Dan Shafer's ebook. My question has to do with page 273 of the book which states that typing (open file "MyToDo.txt") into the message box will create a file if none exisits. Nothing gets created when I do this. All that happens is the line I entered gets highlighted. No file created and no error message is displayed in the result frame. I have entered other commands and they work ok. Can anyone (Dan) explain what I'm
doing wrong?

One common reason for this to happen is that you do not have write permission for the defaultFolder. (It's more of a problem on Unix and Mac OS X systems.) On startup, the defaultFolder property is always set to the folder that contains the Revolution application. Not all users on a system will have write access to that folder. Try changing the defaultFolder to a folder that you do have write permission for (I'm assuming OSX here):

set the defaultFolder to /Users/myusername/Desktop/

Then try it again. Chances are it will work this time. If this doesn't fix it, try switching to the multi-line message box and enter:

openFile "myfile.txt"
put the result

Then hit the enter key. If there is an error 'the result' should contain information about the error.



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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