Erik Hansen wrote:
--- Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's a rare bird who can
both consult and teach/train

why is that?
As a consultant and teacher/trainer, I can answer that. Consulting requires hard, analytical focus on problem, process, and solution. The consultant's output is specific direction and procedures, typically communicated on the consultant's preferred level, with his or her preferred (paid-for, remember) methods. The objective is to deliver the message, to change the recipient's projected path.

Teaching and/or training requires a soft, empathic focus on others' skills and behaviors, along with a flexible ability to communicate on someone else's level and channel. The objective is to inspire the motivation to explore and integrate the message with the recipient's current path.

Communication is the eliciting of a response. Effective communication is the eliciting of a desired response. The consultant and the teacher/trainer gear their communication for different responses, and therefore develop and practice different methods. It's a rare bird who can shift from one objective to the other smoothly, easily, without disrupting the progress of the "objective of the moment".

---- Jerry Muelver
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