
I don't see what is to be gained using setProp's in this example? Surely:

function setEditMode pMode
  if pMode then
    enable button "Save"
    enable button "TextColor"
    set the lockText of fld "myfld" to true
    set the traversalOn of fld "myFld" to true
    disable button "Save"
    disable button "TextColor"
    set the lockText of fld "myfld" to false
    set the traversalOn of fld "myFld" to false
  end if
end setEditMode


get setEditMode(true/false)

Would do the same job with less lines of code and be much easier to follow?

All the Best

On 12 Apr 2006, at 22:26, Devin Asay wrote:
The way I use it is much more pedestrian than the Marks'. For me it's a really easy way to make sure my interface objects get set to the proper states. For example, let's say I want to toggle between an 'editable' and 'noneditable' mode for a text editor:

setProp editMode pMode
  if pMode then
    enable button "Save"
    enable button "TextColor"
    set the lockText of fld "myfld" to true
    set the traversalOn of fld "myFld" to true
    disable button "Save"
    disable button "TextColor"
    set the lockText of fld "myfld" to false
    set the traversalOn of fld "myFld" to false
  end if
pass editMode -- the docs say you have to explicitly pass it to have it set the prop
end editMode

Anyway, this is a crude example, but illustrates how it's been most useful to me. There may be several events in my program that could trigger a change in edit mode for this field, but in each case all I'd have to do would be to

  set the editMode of cd "editor" to true ## or false


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
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