I asked:

I'm writing a program that will eventually create a tabbed line, multiple lines
in a field.

Is there any way I can display each line (or a subsection thereof) and place
beside it a series of check boxes or pull down boxes.

peptide 1 1234.5  [chk1]  [..]   [..]  pulldowncolour  pulldownstyle
peptide 2 2334.5  [chk2]  [..]   [..]  pulldowncolour  pulldownstyle

Say I was drawing a graphic controlled by the list, and I wanted to use check
boxes to say "display this" or "Colour this red/green/blue (pulldown)". I have
tried to think this through, but I can't see an easy way at all. The number of
items in the list are such as to require that I can scroll through the items.

Devin Asay kindly answered
I've done something like this before, and the easiest way is to make a large field without scrollbars and create checkboxes and/or option lists btns that are aligned to the lines in the field. Then group all of them and make the group smaller than the field, adding a vertical scrollbar to the *group*. You'll also have to lock the group's size and location to prevent it from automatically resizing to show the whole group. Once the group's scroll bar is in place you can scroll everything in the group together and it looks like the other controls are part of the field. It's also possible using this approach to dynamically create the number of checkboxes and option menus you need based on the number of lines in the field.

And I say, being a pest(!)
Devin, that is neat, and I shall play as soon as I am back at base (away in 
conference). One problem I foresee is that the number of lines is variable from 
run to run of the programme. Would you create the scrolling list dynamically, 
or could I make a list of say 200 lines, and hide the unneeded ones? If you had 
an example...:-)

Strikes me that this could almost be constructed as a generic tool. Useful for DB access, or almost any list processing. Thanks for the help. Rob

Prof. Rob Beynon                    |+44 151 794 4312 (voice)
Dept. Veterinary Preclinical        |+44 151 794 4243 (fax)
Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ     |mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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