On Friday 07 July 2006 05:11, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> While I don't normally have much respect for RB marketing resources,
> SUSE makes a lot of sense.
> This set of videos shows a seriousness about usability not often found
> in other distros:
> <http://www.novell.com/video/desktop/>
> Sure, half of that is just OS X knockoffs, but if you're going to steal
> ideas they might as well steal good ones. :)
> Favoring Novell also returns a favor to the Rev community:  Novell has
> published a series of articles about using Rev on SUSE:
> <http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/14961.html>
> <http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/1631.html>
> <http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/1863.html>

I'd agree that SuSE is one of the better commercial options. If you are 
installing office wide and need something well supported, this is a great 
option. Novell really do seem to be going in the right direction here. 

I have 4 people in my office working productively on SuSE desktops, and all 
coming from low computer literacy backgrounds. SuSE is one of the first 
distros to get to the stage where I would let people loose on it and expect 
to get productive work "just done". 

> Who knows?  If enough of us pool our resources maybe we can push SUSE
> enough to kill off most of the others, ultimately benefiting everyone....

Disagree with that. Choice is what makes Linux strong. What you should hope 
for is greater standards compliance across all the Linux families and desktop 

Rishi Viner

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