Hi David,

Yes, I think that the xTalk-family provides us with the most English- like programming languages. Anything more sophisticated is doable, but also a lot of work. As an example, here is a script which responds to polite requests to create an object. Don't take this example too seriously, please.

on mouseUp
  doPhrase "Would you be so kind to create a field?"
  put the result into rslt
  if rslt is not empty then
    answer rslt
  end if
end mouseUp

on doPhrase theRequest
  put "(^[Pp]lease*|^[Cc]ould you please*|^[Ww]ould you" && ¬
  "be so kind to*)" into myPattern
  if matchText(theRequest,myPattern,myFormality) is false then
    return "Sorry, didn't hear ya!"
    if last char of theRequest is among the chars of "?!"
    then delete last char of theRequest
    put word (number of words of myFormality + 1) to -1 of ¬
    theRequest into theRequest
    switch (word 1 of theRequest)
    case "create"
      repeat for each word myWord in theRequest)
        if myWord is not "a" then put myWord & space after ¬
      end repeat
      put myNewRequest
        do myNewRequest
      catch myError
        return "Sorry, I could not" && theRequest
      end try
      -- more "cases"
      return "Sorry, I could not" && theRequest
    end switch
  end if
end doPhrase

Best regards,



Consultancy and Software Engineering

Download ErrorLib at http://economy-x-talk.com/developers.html and get full control of error handling in Revolution.

Op 11-aug-2006, om 0:13 heeft David Bovill het volgende geschreven:

By the way is Transcript still the official term for Revs programming

Spent an hour looking for links references and articles on English- like programming languages - looking at the syntax. Found no good links yet. Lots of stuff about COBOL, things about how it was the flavour of the month in
the 80's - how good perl is. Here is a nice quote from

By this, I mean the source file would be something like a text file.. and the interpreter would interpret the english language commands and build a program based on it. The commands for the English Programming Language
could be something like this (consider this a raw source file):

   <begin source>

First, create a window approximately 75% of the screen size. Then, add two menus to the top, one File and one Help. Under the File menu, add Exit. When a user clicks on Exit, the program should exit. Under the help menu,
add a simple About option that describes this program.

Now create two buttons in the main window (the first one). The first button should say "Message", and the second one should say "Exit" (without the quotes). When a user clicks on Message, a message box should pop up saying "Hello, World!". When the user clicks on the Exit button, the program
should exit.

    <end source>

Now that would be more English-like than Transcript, but to date i cannot find anything much more English-like than the syntax of Transcript. There is
some AI stuff like -
http://www.softwaretheories.com/Examples/index.html(not a good link) -
and Ruslan you there - some older links I had for
parsers that took XML - there is an MIT project to create a meta language... but no good links I can find - and certainly nothing solid and useable.

So the question is this - is Transcipt the best real programming language out there in terms of it's English-likeness! That is the ease in which a non-programmer, or non-speaker of the computer language can understand it?

Help, links, rants and gossip appreciated!

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