On Aug 20, 2006, at 4:21 AM, Mark Smith wrote:

The number of items in "a,b,c,d,e,f,g" is 7
The number of items in "a,b,c,d,e,f," is 6
The number of items in "a,b,c,d,e,," is 6
The number of items in "a,,,,,," is 6
It is the same with cr's (lines)
The trailing comma is not counted as delimiting an empty item.

This is true. And it's also worth noting that this might surprise you when using negative indices.
So as well as Jims counting examples,

get item -1 of "a,b," --  returns "b"

whereas when getting and setting items by positive index

get item 3 of "a,b," -- returns empty (as you'd expect)

put "a,b," into tLine
put "d" into item 4 of tLine
-- leaves tLine as: "a,b,,d"

If you think of the delimiter as being after the data, then this makes sense. The 'tween delimiter notion fails.

The "delimiter after" also allows both representation of a single empty item distinct from an empty list of items.

The comma operator doesn't support this notion very well, put a loop with 'put it & comma after stuff' does.

On the other hand I think the following is awkward and others might feel it make sense:

put item 3 of (1,2 &lf& 3,4)

It seems the line end should be an item delimiter along with whatever the current delimiter character is.

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