for those interested, here's something much faster :

on mouseUp
  set cursor to watch
  lock screen
  put fld 1 into myST
  put number of chars of myST into n
  put "" into myL
  set the casesensitive to true
  put 1 into k
  repeat while k<=1000
    repeat with i=100 down to 6
      put k+i-1 into b
      get char k to b of myST
      put myST into a
      replace it with "" in a
      put ((n - number of chars of a) / b) into c
      if c>=2 then
        put it & tab & c & cr after myL
        add b-1 to k
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
    add 1 to k
  end repeat
  put myL
end mouseUp

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