On Aug 30, 2006, at 5:20 AM, paolo mazza wrote:

I imported an image as text (URL file:xxx)
I wonder if I can convert the text file to binary and set the imagedata of
an image to it

If the image file format is inherently binary, such as PNG or JPEG, then you should read it as a binary file (URL binfile:). Reading a binary file as a text file will corrupt it.

If it is really text, then it probably has some header information that includes the size, and then a bunch of numerals in decimal or hex. You need to know what its format is.

From that, you can build imageData. If the file has an alpha channel (transparency) you can also build alphaData.

After you have the image data, set the text of the image to empty then set the height and width of the image, then set the imageData (and alphaData). (I'm going by memory; there might be a flaw in that.)

If the image file is really JPEG or PNG then simply set the text of the image to the value.

Dar Scott
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