On Sep 16, 2006, at 11:52 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:
All good ones. One of the problems with RAD tools is that they make
the task of prototyping a bit too easy. I find myself whipping up a
prototype as a proof of concept and then start building an app from
there without having thoroughly thought out the game plan ahead of
time. And then I'm at the point where I don't really want to toss out
what I've built and start from scratch, so I end up spending time
refactoring, reengineering, and patching. And then sometimes reworking
things from scratch anyway.

I understand. And there is extra pressure to go with the prototype if the customer has seen it.

Something that helps me is to go for a walk or draw pictures or play with toys with the Grandkids. I am sometimes caught staring at the wall. I am sure I must have been doing some creative thinking some of the times that happens.

Sometimes on a walk and away from scripts I'll try looking at things from another angle. How about pushing data instead of pulling it? And I come up with a schema for report layout and data setup based on layers of setprop with interesting characteristics. Things like that. Sometimes I try to generalize, often coming up with a simpler solution.

When I read a standard I see how it fits in my first experiments, but I also try to let the standard write the script. As Robert uses pseudocode in scripts, I often use lines from standards.

I watch for hints of new ideas and explore those collecting a catalog of potential tools. When I first saw graphEq work, my brain went into a fit and a half-dozen books when onto my Amazon work wishlist. I recently saw the (flash?) game Fancy Pants, which is "excellent in class," it inspired some notions of alternate GUI. When I look at how to decompose a problem, I now have some notions cached away as possible components. I still have a vague memory of math, linguistics, physics and engineering classes I took last century and draw ideas for components from those.

Thirty years ago I kept programmers happy by making sure every project included a fun, tool-building, new tech portion, usually something off the critical path (or in parallel to an off-the-shelf or other fast option). I now treat myself the same way. The schedule might say that you need to salvage much of the prototype, but you might allow a fun rewrite of the part that needs it the most. Or you might build a tool so you don't start all over the next time.

I don't usually have a desire to cling to quick code. My problem is usually the opposite. That is not too bad. If I can make the script smaller and simpler, it is usually more reliable. Usually the elegant is faster, smaller, easier to understand, more adaptable, and more reliable. Usually. Where I do have a problem is dropping some elegant but slow idea to go to some other approach. But in a day or two I feel blessed that that door was closed because I ended up using something much cooler.

Prototypes often do not lend to automated testing or testing & timing of lower level components. For me that has tipped the balance on these decisions.

Often it is not really a question. My prototype is really a collection of experiments. In that case, I might keep a few functions, but I feel free to dream up cool stuff. And for many of us, experimenting is a way to wrap our minds around a problem.

But as I said, I deviate often from what I have said.

My wife is a costume designer. In theatre costume design they have a saying: Done is beautiful.

I hope these ramblings of an old bitsmith are helpful to those learning to create with Revolution.


Dar Scott
Dar Scott Consulting  and  Dar's Lab


Computer programming

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