On Sep 26, 2006, at 9:12 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:

I think -- but I'm not 100% certain -- that the command key problem is not unique to Rev. That or my system is really hosed. I see cmd-C and cmd-V problems in Mail, Safari and Firefox from time to time. Restarting my system
always fixes the problem.


The problem I experience with shortcut keys that stop working is unique to Rev. At first I thought maybe it was related to Edit menu getting out of synch with the current state (e.g. whether or not there was a selectedField). But recently I've come across something that makes me think otherwise.

In two different apps I'm working on I experienced loss of functionality in my shortcut keys. It turns out that rawKeyDown just stopped being sent to my stack. The only way to get rawKeyDown messages back was to click on a object that could become the focusedObject. Once I did that, rawKeyDown was received again and shortcut keys worked.

Both of my apps share something in common - when the user double- clicks on a field with locked text in a scrolling group I create a an editable field in the group that allows text entry. I then insert a frontscript which will save the contents and delete the editable field. As soon as this editable field was deleted the rawKeyDown messages stopped being sent. By focusing on an object in the handler that deleted the editable field I was able to fix the problem.

I'm still investigating what is going on and trying to reproduce this in a simple example stack but haven't been able to yet. What I've found out so far is that right after I delete the editable field, focusedObject returns the card id. Using a monitoring handler, I noticed that focusedObject starts returning empty shortly thereafter. This is when rawKeyDown stops working. The docs say focusedObject should return the current card if no object is selected.

So perhaps this odd behavior is related to the one that is causing problems for the Rev IDE. If so, it would explain why they are having such a hard time reproducing as it could be related to what stacks people are working on. I don't know. Hopefully this will help shed some light on the subject though.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com

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